Remote Chess Academy student wins Millionaire Chess!

The third edition of Millionaire Chess took place from 6-10 October 2016 at Atlantic City.

What is Millionaire Chess?

Millionaire Chess is committed to revolutionizing the conventional models of chess tournaments globally. By holding high-stake tournaments in destination capitals, it is intended to encourage players of all ages and skill levels to play, study and enjoy the game they love. Its mission is to run the best chess tournaments the world has ever seen and to help raise the bar for chess tournaments worldwide.

The RCA team is very proud to say that one of our students from Nellore (India), V. Prudhvi Kumar, rated 1699, has had a fantastic event – he won the U-1800 section and laughed all the way to the bank with $12,000 (approx. Rs. 8 lakhs).
V Prudhvi Kumar chess
V. Prudhvi Kumar

Prudhvi hails from Nellore in Andhra Pradesh and is trained by Riyaz Ahamad SK. He enjoyed playing the games and scored impressive and crucial victories. Prudhvi scored 5.5/7, qualifying for the Millionaire Monday event in the U-1800 section.

In the grand finale, he was pitted against Artem Verdiya, who had not even dropped half-a-point in the entire event. The first two games, held in 25-minute time control, ended in draws. A two-game match with 15-minute time control became necessary to break the tie.

Prudhvi was Black and has lost a pawn. But his opponent has just blundered with 17.Bb5?
V Prudhvi Kumar chess game millionaire chess
Black to play

Can you find the winning trick that Prudhvi found to take the lead? :)

In the next game, Prudhvi was White. His opponent just played 49…Rxf5, grabbing a pawn. Both players have their pawns on the two extremities of the chessboard.
V Prudhvi Kumar chess game millionaire chess
White to play

How would you play here as White? Can you find the best continuation for White?

V Prudhvi Kumar chess game millionaire chess
White to play

In the above game, Prudhvi has lost his queen with the compensation of a rook, knight and a pawn. It’s White’s turn now. Black’s king doesn’t look safe. Can you find a quick way to finish the game?

After calculating all possible variations, you can check all the games played by Prudhvi here.

Now let me share some interesting photos that you should not miss! :)
V Prudhvi Kumar chess
A young Prudhvi Kumar
V Prudhvi Kumar chess coach Riyaz Ahamad
Prudhvi with his coach Riyaz Ahamad SK

I know this student personally and his coach. Here is a photo of Prudhvi’s coach, Riyaz, along with me and my wife. :)
V Prudhvi Kumar chess coach Riyaz Ahamad Igor Smirnov India

Chess news India Prudhvi Kumar Nellore
Of course, the local newspapers did not miss this great news!

Finally, it’s really an amazing news story for RCA – our students keep making progress after studying our courses. This proves that our chess courses are of HIGH QUALITY and that they work, as you can see from the ‘success stories’ of several other of our students here.

And, most importantly, if you have had such an experience, or won crucial games in a tournament, please do share them with us – we’ll be very happy to know that and glad to publish your ‘success story’ on the RCA site for you. :)

P.S. We’re planning to create a new opening chess course. Please take part in a short survey designed to help us create a course tailored to your needs, one that can give you the best results. Find more and take part now here.